Siklu mmWave Industry News (2024)

Talking mmWave with Wiber Solutions in South Africa

Mr. Ted de Boer, Siklu South Africa's Regional Sales Director has recently sat down with Russell Purdon of Wiber Solutions, a long-time South Africa WISP with extensive experience deploying Siklu...

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Posted by Dan Shalev

Broadband,Gigabit Wireless Access,Backhaul Network

on September 08, 2022

City Utility Poles and Broadband -a Powerful Combination Driving Digital Inclusion

There is a loud and insistent conversation taking place in municipal and federal offices these days about Digital Inclusion, the idea that broadband is now a critical service akin to power and water....

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Posted by David Sumi

Smart Cities,Video Security,Internet Access,Backhaul Network

on May 03, 2021

Digging for Gigabits, Connecting Mines with mmWave

The “Industry 4.0” wave is sweeping through all sorts of manufacturing and production sectors – and the mining industry is no exception.

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Posted by David Sumi

Video Security,Critical Infrastructure

on March 24, 2021

The ABC’s of Wireless RDOF

There has been a ton of talk about the RDOF auction, who won and what services they are targeting. For those winners who promise to deliver Gigabit services, much of the attention has been on using...

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Posted by Boris Maysel

Rural Broadband,Internet Access,Backhaul Network

on March 03, 2021

All the Hauls

High-band mmWave – Plenty of Bandwidth and Flexibility to Meet the Requirements in the “X-Haul” Portion of a 5G Network Architecture.

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Posted by David Sumi


on February 24, 2021

Deliver Gigabit Service for Less Than $50 per Home Passed

In this post, I’ll share a proven recipe to help you to deliver a state of the art user experience using millimeter-wave Fixed Wireless Access (FWA). You will be in control of your upfront investment...

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Posted by Boris Maysel

Internet Access

on January 28, 2021

Is 5G Going to Cook My Brain?

When presented with an unknown, people immediately assume the worst. Sailors centuries ago had no idea what was under the water – hence there must be monsters. What are those strange lights in the...

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Posted by David Sumi

Smart Cities,Video Security,Internet Access,Backhaul Network

on January 06, 2021

Mesh in the City

As long as wireless systems have existed -- even in the early days of Marconi -- coverage has always been the number one goal and the number one challenge. This challenge is no different for 60GHz ...

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Posted by David Sumi

Smart Cities,Internet Access

on December 08, 2020

The Urban Digital Divide – Eliminating the “Digital Deserts”

According to a recent report from the Brookings Institution, more than 18 million U.S. households in 2018 had no broadband service “at all.” Further, “the majority of digitally disconnected...

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Posted by David Sumi

Smart Cities,Internet Access

on October 28, 2020

Closing the Digital Divide in the UK – Fibre and Millimetre Wave

Openreach is an ambitious scheme to deliver “full fibre broadband to the nation” throughout the UK. And given the program’s roots in the former monopoly British Telecom, there has arisen a great deal...

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Posted by David Sumi

Internet Access

on September 16, 2020

mmWave and the Tropics

What to expect when deploying Gigabit wireless connections in heavy rainfall geographies – Hint: It’s better than you might think.

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Posted by David Sumi

Internet Access

on August 13, 2020

Back to School – Broadband Takes Over

When people think of education, images of classrooms with students in seats and a teacher in front often springs to mind. The bell rings, and for 6th graders and above all the way through college,...

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Posted by David Sumi

Smart Cities,Video Security,Internet Access

on July 08, 2020

What Hasn’t Changed in 2020?

Recently, all we hear about is change. How the virus changed our lives, how the virus changed our environment, how it will change our future. All of this is true. All is concerning. Still, life...

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Posted by Boris Maysel


on July 08, 2020

The Rural Broadband Situation: Improving all the Time - with True Gigabit Connections on the Horizon

Deploying broadband services in rural areas has always been problematic. Everyone recognizes the “fairness” factor, but primarily for carrier “ROI” reasons, it has been a very slow process. Add to...

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Posted by David Sumi

Internet Access

on June 17, 2020

mmWave – More Essential than Ever for all Backhaul Requirements

Like the transition from 3G to 4G, 4G to 5G will represent a sea change in mobile network (and Wi-Fi) network operations. Networks will become much more dense and “meshier” with much more...

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Posted by David Sumi

Internet Access,Backhaul Network

on May 07, 2020

Supporting and Enhancing IoT Connectivity in Urban Areas

Awareness of the transformative nature of 5G is increasing and we know full well that 5G is used for more than cell phones. It will be used for industrial, medical, AI, and automotive devices to talk...

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Posted by David Sumi

Smart Cities,Video Security,Internet Access,Backhaul Network

on April 30, 2020

When Important Becomes Critical - Infrastructure Safety and Security

According to the U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (, there are 16 critical infrastructure sectors whose assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, are...

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Posted by David Sumi

Smart Cities,Video Security,Backhaul Network

on April 14, 2020

The Real Benefits of Temporary Wireless Networks

Implementing a wireless network to support WiFi access, surveillance, Point of Sale and other applications at temporary, large-scale events can be a tricky endeavor. Anytime thousands of people...

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Posted by Alex Doorduyn

Smart Cities,Video Security,Backhaul Network

on April 07, 2020

COVID-19 Highlights the Digital Divide

As the world struggles with the COVID-19 pandemic, one of the primary tools being used to combat the virus is isolation. Whatever the term – isolation, social distancing from others, stay at home or...

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Posted by David Sumi

Video Security,Internet Access

on March 30, 2020

mmWave and Weather – Facts Revealed and Myths Exposed

As we enter the third decade of the century, it is a given that we now live in a Gigabit World. Delivering those gigabits wirelessly is now all the rage, and as with all “new” technologies there are...

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Posted by David Sumi


on January 09, 2020

60GHz mmwave Explained

To meet the insatiable need for more and more bits per second in the world we live in, the wireless ecosystem turned to the only spectrum that is capable of delivering on the gigabit promise - 60GHz...

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Posted by David Sumi


on October 15, 2019

Wireless Fiber Video Surveillance Networks Connectivity

Don’t get caught with your network down: Video Surveillance using mmWave for connectivity will extend your Surveillance network quickly and on budget!

Is your network crying out for bandwidth? Does...

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Posted by Shiri Butnaru

Smart Cities,Video Security

on October 03, 2019

Rural Broadband Funding Commentary

Delivering true broadband services in rural areas of the U.S. has been an age-old and seemingly intractable problem. It’s once again in the news with the FCC’s recent authorization of almost $750M in...

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Posted by Shiri Butnaru

Internet Access,Backhaul Network

on August 27, 2019

Fixed Wireless Access 21st Century Review

It’s a Gigabit World and not just for business. Consumers are part of the push and are demanding gigabit connections to support bandwidth intensive applications such as 4k or even 8k video, Augmented...

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Posted by David Sumi


on July 02, 2019

The 32 Flavors of 5G and how Smart Cities will choose

Smart Cities and 5G are all the rage in the press today. But what is a Smart city? What is 5G and how does it play into the future of these cities we blithely call “Smart?” Which of the “32 flavors”...

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Posted by David Sumi

Smart Cities,Video Security

on June 03, 2019

Since the beginning of wireless there has been a hard and fast trade-off between capacity and range. The further a wireless connection can go, the less data it can support and vice versa. Today’s...

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Posted by David Sumi


on March 14, 2019

From Sub 6GHz/100Mbps to 60GHz/1000Mbps – True mmWave Delivers The Goods

Fixed Wireless Access, FWA, has been around for a while, as noted in previous blogs. For the past 5 to 10 years the majority of fixed wireless access(FWA) deployments and market share has been...

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Posted by David Sumi


on November 21, 2018

How to Solve Backhaul Bottlenecks in Support of CAF Access Network Deployments

At Siklu we are going to break existing paradigms and illustrate how to provide 10Gbps Full Duplex connections using E-band for distances up to 6 miles.

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Posted by Boris Maysel

Internet Access,Backhaul Network

on November 01, 2018

Fixed Wireless Success in the Residential Market – Part 2

Part One of our Fixed Wireless Success in the Residential Market reviewed past efforts to deliver to the market cost competitive solutions with an acceptable ROI. In Part Two we will investigate how...

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Posted by David Sumi

Internet Access

on October 29, 2018

Fixed Wireless Success in the Residential Market – Part 1

While 5G Fixed Wireless Access (FWA) receives a new round of attention from the community - carriers, vendors, and analysts, the issues it will need to resolve are much older. Prior to 5G, fixed...

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Posted by David Sumi

Internet Access

on October 22, 2018

How to Take the Next Step in Customer Growth

Wireless Internet Service Providers have long had a role in connecting homes and business. For over 20 years WISPs have been serving a portion of the market that does not have access to traditional...

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Posted by David Sumi

Internet Access,Backhaul Network

on October 01, 2018

When is Fast, Fast Enough? Siklu’s EH-8010FX Delivers 10Gbps Full Duplex in the Race to a Gigabit World

There was a time when my ISDN connection had all the throughput I needed. Two voice plus data got me 144kbps, well fast enough for my email and web browsing. Fast forward to Netlfix shifting to a...

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Posted by David Sumi


on August 16, 2018

Stop Making Time For Your Network Designs

BRYONY BARNES, Marketing Expert atPurdicom - July 23, 2018 -Have you ever forgotten your phone when you’ve left the house, and felt utterly lost without it? It isn’t that surprising, considering...

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on July 23, 2018

The Need for Next Generation Wireless Network Design Tools

In the old days, outdoor fixed wireless access (FWA) was primarily used for one simple yet powerful application – point to point (PTP) cell site backhaul. As cellular technology improved and...

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Posted by David Sumi


on July 11, 2018

5G Based Gigabit-To-The-home Cookbook- Chapter 1

Consumer expectations for Internet access and entertainment in the home have evolved over the years, and so has last mile access technology to meet those demands. However, in many ways for the...

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Posted by David Sumi

Internet Access

on June 12, 2018

The Waves of 2017 – Millimeter Waves Became Essential

Millimeter waves were all over the news in the past year. U.S. major carriers: AT&T and Verizon, backed by major system and chip vendors, are definitely leading the trend and the technology proof of...

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Posted by Boris Maysel


on January 11, 2018

Test Your Own Business Case with the Interactive Financial Analysis Calculator

PlugYOURnumbers in and get the ROIYOUneed to deliver Gigabit to the home services.

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Posted by Boris Maysel

Internet Access

on November 15, 2017

Providing 21th Century Broadband with Fixed Wireless Gigabit

There are close to 126 million households in the US, out of which 106 million have some form of broadband. FCC reports have found that about three-quarters of the country's developed census blocks...

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Posted by Boris Maysel


on October 31, 2017

Multiple-Dwelling Units: A $8.3Bn Opportunity for Service Providers!

Nowhere is broadband internet's last-mile problem more clearly exemplified than in Multiple-Dwelling Units (MDUs). Not surprisingly, the FCC issued anotice of inquiry particularly about broadband in...

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Posted by Boris Maysel

Internet Access

on September 18, 2017

5G mmWave Broadband Access is Ready for Deployment – Join the race, no license needed!

Wireline broadband service providers are under heavy pressure: First, 20% of Americanshave cut their cable subscriptions to watch television on streaming services such as Netflix. These streaming...Read more

Posted by Boris Maysel

Internet Access,Backhaul Network

on August 28, 2017

Wireline Operators can use FREE 5G mmWave Spectrum for Gigabit Service – Now!

Why you don’t need to spend $5B like Verizon for 5G mmWave spectrum licenses

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Posted by Boris Maysel

Internet Access,Backhaul Network

on August 09, 2017

New technology speeds up hybrid fiber-wireless networks

You might be thinking that the only way to speed up hybrid fiber-wireless networks is to expand the capacity of the wireless link. It turns out that’s just one option. A consortium of innovative...

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Posted by Yigal Leiba


on July 11, 2017

I get 800Mbps. Is that fast?

Who would you expect such a reaction from? Probably a rich, techie tycoon, or at the very least a gaming geek? As a vendor that serves many ISP’s, I can testify that only a handful of premium...

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Posted by Izik Kirshenbaum


on May 04, 2017

How to Deploy Dense Urban Fixed Wireless Access Profitably

33% of your customers are going to leave you for a service provider that delivers higher speeds[1].

So delivering gigabit services to all of your customers, including the single family homes, is a...

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Posted by Boris Maysel

Internet Access

on April 18, 2017

Attention Security Professionals: The Wireless Revolution is Finally Here

It wasn’t too long ago that security professionals were skeptical about installing a wireless surveillance network when a traditional fiber network was not an option. They would often cast doubt on...

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Posted by Alex Doorduyn

Smart Cities,Video Security

on March 21, 2017

From J.C. Bose to 5G: the evolution of mmWave

The first science experiment with millimeter waves occurred in 1897, conducted by Indian scientist Jagadish Chandra Bose. He conducted trials to measure different properties of materials, actually...

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Posted by Boris Maysel


on February 27, 2017

Why 5G Changes Everything?

While 5G specifications are still in process and in fact won’t be complete until 2020, there is plenty to start thinking about today.

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Posted by Yigal Leiba


on January 30, 2017

Parking Lot Surveillance Cameras: Installation Tips and Tricks

Smart City Enhanced parking lot security can provide us with peace of mind while we shop, travel, work or visit a business. Video surveillance networks and emergency phones in parking lots are often...

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Posted by Alex Doorduyn

Smart Cities,Video Security

on January 05, 2017

It’s all about the customer experience

Why should 5GHz & 60GHz team up? It’s all about the customer experience.

Growing capacity demands? Always on access? That’s what consumers expect to get, and 5GHz Wi-Fi is gearing up to provide. More...

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Posted by Danny BenSimhon

Internet Access,Backhaul Network

on September 26, 2016

Why everything you knew about wireless before millimeter waves is wrong

I’m about to tell you why millimeter waves are the best thing since sliced bread: how they provide high capacity, are immune to interference and suitable for dense deployment and no, you don’t lose...

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Posted by Boris Maysel


on November 02, 2015

E-band vs. V-band – Batman or Invisible Man, you choose

Continuing myprevious postthat was anintroduction to millimeter waves, I want to go deeper into the 3 major differences between E-Band and V-Band frequencies:

1. E-Band gives you protection from 3...

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Posted by Boris Maysel


on February 02, 2015

Siklu mmWave Industry News (2024)
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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.