LINE THERMAL PRINTER · Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (2024)

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (1)


User’s Manual

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (2)

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EnIf you want to dispose of this product, do not mix it with general household waste. There is a separate collection systems for used electronics products in accordance with legislation under the WEEE Directive (Directive 2002/96/EC) and is effective only within European Union.

GeWenn Sie dieses Produkt entsorgen wollen, dann tun Sie dies bitte nicht zusammen mit dem Haushaltsmüll. Es gibt im Rahmen der WEEE-Direktive innerhalb der Europäischen Union (Direktive 2002/96/EC) gesetzliche Bestimmungen für separate Sammelsysteme für gebrauchte elektronische Geräte und Produkte.

GeFrSi vous souhaitez vous débarrasser de cet appareil, ne le mettez pas à la poubelle avec vos ordures ménagères. Il existe un système de récupération distinct pour les vieux appareils élec-troniques conformément à la législation WEEE sur le recyclage des déchets des équipements électriques et électroniques (Directive 2002/96/EC) qui est uniquement valable dans les pays de l’Union européenne. Les appareils et les machines électriques et électroniques contiennent souvent des matières dangereuses pour l’homme et l’environnement si vous les utilisez et vous vous en débarrassez de façon inappropriée.

GeFrSpSi desea deshacerse de este producto, no lo mezcle con residuos domésticos de carácter general. Existe un sistema de recogida selectiva de aparatos electrónicos usados, según establece la leg-islación prevista por la Directiva 2002/96/CE sobre residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE), vigente únicamente en la Unión Europea.

GeFrSpItSe desiderate gettare via questo prodotto, non mescolatelo ai rifiuti generici di casa. Esiste un sistema di raccolta separato per i prodotti elettronici usati in conformità alla legislazione RAEE (Direttiva 2002/96/CE), valida solo all’interno dell’Unione Europea.

GeFrSpItDuDeponeer dit product niet bij het gewone huishoudelijk afval wanneer u het wilt verwijderen. Er bestaat ingevolge de WEEE-richtlijn (Richtlijn 2002/96/EG) een speciaal wettelijk voorgeschreven verzamelsysteem voor gebruikte elektronische producten, welk alleen geldt binnen de Europese Unie.

GeFrSpItDuDaHvis du vil skille dig af med dette produkt, må du ikke smide det ud sammen med dit almindelige husholdningsaffald. Der findes et separat indsamlingssystem for udtjente elektroniske produkter i overensstemmelse med lovgivningen under WEEE-direktivet (direktiv 2002/96/EC), som kun er gældende i den Europæiske Union.

GeFrSpItDuDaPorSe quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos Eléctricos e Electrónicos (2002/ 96/CE), existe um sistema de recolha separado para os equipamentos electrónicos fora de uso, em vigor apenas na União Europeia.

GeFrSpItDuDaPorPolJeżeli zamierzasz pozbyć się tego produktu, nie wyrzucaj go razem ze zwykłymi domowymi od-padkami. Według dyrektywy WEEE (Dyrektywa 2002/96/EC) obowiązującej w Unii Europejskiej dla używanych produktów elektronicznych należy stosować oddzielne sposoby utylizacji.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (3)

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Compliance Statement for European UsersCE marking shows conformity to the following criteria and provisions: Low Voltage Directive (2014/35/EU), EMC Directive (2014/30/EU), and RoHS direc-tive (2011/65/EU) Full text of the EU declaration of conformity is available at the following internet address:

IMPORTANT: This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency-energy and if not installed and used in accordance with the instruction manual, maycause interference to radio communications. It has been tested and found to complywith the limits for a Class A computing device pursuant to Subpart J of Part 15 of FCCRules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such interferencewhen operated in a commercial environment. Operation of this equip-ment in aresidential area is likely to cause interference, in which case the user at his ownexpense will be required to take whatever measures may be necessary to correct theinterference.CAUTION: Use shielded cable for this equipment.

SicherheitshinweisDie Steckdose zum Anschluß dieses Druckers muß nahe dem Gerät angebracht und leicht zugänglich sein.

For Uses in CanadaThis Class A Information Technology Equipment (ITE) complies with Canadian CAN ICES-3(A)/NMB-3(A). This Information Technology Equipment (ITE) does not exceed the Class A limits for radio noise emissions from digital apparatus set out in the Radio Interference Regulations of the Canadian Department of Communications.Pour L’utilisateurs CanadiensCet Equipements informatiques (EI) de la classe A est conforme a la norme CAN ICES-3(A)/NMB-3(A) du Canada. Le present Equipements informatiques (EI) n’emet pas de bruite radio electriques depassant les limites applicables aux appareils numeriques de la classe A pres-crites dans le Reglement sur le brouillage radioelectrique edicte par le ministere des Communications du Canada.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (4)

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Radio Wave Interference Self-RegulationThis is a class B device. Although this device is designed for home use, use in close proximity to radios or television antennas could cause interference. Use the device correctly in accordance with the instruction manuals.


GENERAL PRECAUTIONS Before using this product, be sure to read through this manual. After having read

this manual, keep it in a safe, readily accessible place for future reference.

The information contained herein is subject to change without prior notice.

Reproduction or transfer of part or all of this document in any means is prohib-ited without permission from Citizen Systems.

Note that Citizen Systems is not responsible for any operation results regardless of omissions, errors, or misprints in this manual.

Note that Citizen Systems is not responsible for any trouble caused as a result of using options or consumables that are not specified in this manual.

Except explained elsewhere in this manual, do not attempt to service, disas-semble, or repair this product.

Citizen Systems Japan Co., Ltd. shall not be liable for damages caused by im-proper or incorrect usage or by the usage environment.

Data is basically for temporary use and not stored for an extended period of time or permanently. Please note that Citizen Systems is not responsible for damage or lost profit resulting from the loss of data caused by accidents, repairs, tests or other occurrences.

If you find omissions, errors, or have questions, please contact your Citizen Systems dealer.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (5)

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CITIZEN is a registered trademark of Citizen Watch Co., Ltd.

QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED.

Datamax® is a registered trademark of Honeywell International Inc.

Maxi Code is a registered trademark of UPS.

Zebra®, ZPL2®, and EPL2TM are registered trademarks of Zebra Technologies, Inc. in the U.S.

PDF417 is a trademark or registered trademark of Motorola, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.

TrueType™ is a trademark of Apple Inc.

All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Citizen Systems use these trademarks in accordance with the license of relevant owners.


LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (6)

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Before using this product for the first time, carefully read these SAFETY PRECAU-TIONS. Improper handling may result in accidents (fire, electric shock or injury). In order to prevent injury to operators, third parties, or damage to property, special warning symbols are used in the User’s Manual to indicate important items to be strictly observed.

After having read this Manual, keep it in a safe, readily accessible place for future reference.

Some of the descriptions contained in this manual may not be relevant to some printer models.

The following describes the degree of hazard and damage that could occur if the printer is improperly operated by ignoring the instructions indicated by the warning symbols. Be sure to read this information carefully.

WARNINGNeglecting precautions indicated by this symbol may result in fatal or serious injury.

CAUTIONNeglecting precautions indicated by this symbol may result in injury or damage to property.

This symbol is used to alert your attention to important items.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (7)

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WARNING Do not perform any of the following actions as they may result in damage

or malfunction of the device, overheating, the generation of smoke, fire, or electric shock. If the device is damaged or defective, turn off the power, dis-connect the power plug from the electrical outlet, and contact your retailer.� Do not step on, drop, hit, or otherwise subject the device to significant force or

impact.� Do not use the device in environments of poor ventilation or in a manner that

blocks device vents.� Do not use the device in environments, such as laboratories, where chemical

reactions occur or environments exposed to air that contains salt or toxic gases.� Use the device in environments at specified power supply voltage and frequency

(100 - 240 V and 50/60 Hz).� Do not connect or disconnect the power cord or an interface cable by holding the

cable itself. Do not pull or carry the device while cables are under load.� Do not drop or insert small objects such as clips or push-pins into the device.� Do not connect too many power cords to a single electrical outlet.� Do not spill tea, coffee, juice, or other beverages onto the device. Do not subject

the device to insecticides. If liquid is spilled onto the device, turn off the power, disconnect the power plug from the electrical outlet, and contact your retailer.� Do not disassemble or modify the device.� Do not use non-specified AC adapters.� Use only the included power cord. Do not use the included power cord with other

devices.� Do not use deformed or damaged power cords.� Do not unnecessary process power cords. Exposed wire due to damaged power cords or melted sheaths may cause

current leakage, malfunction, or electric shock. Contact your retailer if the power cord becomes damaged.� Do not place objects around the power plug.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (8)

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General PrecautionsObserve these precautions to ensure proper use of the device. Make sure to read these precautions.

CAUTION� Do not touch the area around the thermal head during or right after the printing

process. This area will be hot and may cause burns.� Do not drop or insert small objects such as clips or pins into the printer. Doing so

may result in failure.� Exercise caution when carrying or transporting the device. Dropping the device

may damage other objects or cause injury.� Make sure to open the printer cover fully when it needs to be opened. Failure to

do so may result in the printer closing unexpectedly, which may cause injury.� Exercise caution when the printer cover is open. Contact with edges may result

in injury.� Do not open the printer cover while the printer is printing.� Do not use thinner, trichlene, benzene, ketone-based solvents, or cleaning cloths

with chemicals to clean the case surface.� Do not use the device in environments exposed to significant levels of oil, metal

shavings, waste, and dust.� Do not spill liquids onto the device or expose the device to spray chemicals.� Do not step on, drop, hit, or otherwise subject the device to significant force or

impact.� Make sure to use the control panel correctly. Pressing buttons randomly may

cause malfunction and even failure. Do not use sharp objects including tips of pens to operate the control panel.� If some abnormality occurs during use, immediately stop using the device and

disconnect the power plug from the electrical outlet.� Do not disassemble the device for repairs in case of failure. Always contact the

dealer for repairs.� The auto cutter has internal blades near the media discharge port. Never insert

hands inside the media discharge port whether the printer is operating or not.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (9)

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Installation Precautions

CAUTION� Do not use or store the device in environments exposed to excessive heat,

moisture, direct sunlight, near heaters, extremely high or low altitudes, excessive humidity, or excessive dust.� Do not use the device in environments, such as laboratories, where chemical

reactions occur.� Do not use the device in environments exposed to air that contains salt or toxic

gases.� Place printers on level, stable surfaces in environments with good ventilation. (Do

not place the printer such that the vents are against walls.)� Do not place objects on top of the device.� Using the device near radios or televisions or plugging the power cord into the

same electrical outlet as used by such devices may cause reception interfer-ence.� Use the device in environments at specified power supply voltage and frequency.� Use only the included power cord. Do not use the included power cord with other

devices.� Do not place objects or step on power cords.� Do not pull or attempt to carry the device by the power cord or an interface cable.� Do not connect too many power cords to a single electrical outlet.� Do not bundle the power cord.� Hold the power cord by the power plug to connect and disconnect to/from electri-

cal outlets.� Ensure connectors are properly connected. In particular, reversing the polarity

may damage internal parts.� Turn the power switch off before connecting or disconnecting interface cables.� Do not run long signal lines or make connections with noisy devices to the extent

possible. If necessary, use shielded twisted pair cables for signal lines and take any other necessary steps to ensure signal integrity.� Place the device near an electrical outlet and ensure that the power plug can be

unplugged easily so that the power to the device can be cut quickly if necessary.� Use electrical outlets with ground terminal screws. Using electrical outlets without

ground terminals may result in injury due to static electricity.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (10)

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1. GENERAL OUTLINE .....................................................................121.1 Features ............................................................................................121.2 Unpacking .........................................................................................141.3 Model Classification ..........................................................................15

2. Part Names and Function ............................................................172.1 Front of Printer ...................................................................................172.2 Operation panel .................................................................................192.3 Rear of Printer ...................................................................................202.4 Inside of Printer .................................................................................22

3. SETUP ............................................................................................243.1 Printing Preparation Process .............................................................243.2 Loading Paper ...................................................................................253.3 Adjusting Media Sensor Positions .....................................................313.4 Connecting the AC Adapter ...............................................................323.5 Connecting the Printer to a Host Computer ......................................343.6 Install the Printer Driver .....................................................................35

4. Basic Operation ............................................................................364.1 FEED Key Operation .........................................................................36

5. Configuring Printer Settings Using the Specialized Utility.......385.1 List of Settings ...................................................................................395.2 Obtaining the LabelPrinterUtility ........................................................445.3 Using the LabelPrinterUtility ..............................................................44

6. Configuring Ethernet Network Settings

Using Network Seeker .................................................................456.1 Starting Network Seeker ...................................................................456.2 Changing Settings .............................................................................46

7. Configuring Printer Settings Using a Browser ..........................477.1 LinkServer user roles ........................................................................477.2 LinkServer menu configuration ..........................................................487.3 LinkServer connection procedure ......................................................49

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (11)

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8. Configuring the Printer Using the Operation Panel ..................518.1 Sensor Adjustment Mode ..................................................................538.2 Test print mode ..................................................................................558.3 Configuration Print Mode ...................................................................578.4 Emulation switching mode .................................................................588.5 HEX Dump Mode ..............................................................................598.6 Initialization Mode ..............................................................................60

9. Online Configuration Mode..........................................................62

10. Clearing Jobs Stored in the Printer ..........................................63

11. Maintenance ................................................................................6411.1 Plastic Surface of Printer and Platen ...............................................6511.2 Thermal head ..................................................................................65

12. Appendices .................................................................................6612.1 Troubleshooting ...............................................................................6612.2 Basic Specifications ........................................................................6712.3 Usage Conditions ............................................................................7512.4 Printer Storage Conditions ..............................................................7512.5 Interfaces .........................................................................................76

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (12)

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1. GENERAL OUTLINEThank you for purchasing the Citizen Systems Line Thermal Printer CL-E300/CL-E303. This printer is a line direct thermal printer developed for labels, tags, tickets, and many other applications.

1.1 Features

< Compact and Stylish Design >

Boasting the smallest footprint in the industry, this printer was designed to be com-pact to free users from placement restrictions.

The stylish design enables the device to be used in different environments.

Exterior color options include black and pure white.

< High-speed, High-quality Printing >

This printer utilizes the direct thermal transfer method and a thermal print head and includes a 32-bit RISC CPU with a maximum operating frequency of 216 MHz and thermal history control to provide high-speed, high-quality performance up to 8 IPS with the CL-E300 model and up to 6 IPS with the CL-E303 model.

< Adjustable Sensors Provided as Standard >

Adjustable media/black line sensors are provided as standard so that the detection position can be adjustable horizontally. This enables sensors to be placed at detec-tion positions suitable for different types of media.

< Interface >

Standard interfaces include a 9-pin, DSUB RS232C interface, full-speed USB 2.0 port, and an Ethernet port that supports 100BASE-TX and 10BASE-T. These inter-faces enable high-speed connections to many peripheral devices.

< Excellent Usability >

Manual media cutters are installed at the top and bottom of the media discharge port to cut media after being printed for better usability in many different environ-ments.

The operation panel has been designed to have a different color than the main exterior color for better visibility and stress-free operation.

Thermal heads and platen rollers can be easily replaced without the use of tools.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (13)

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< Easy to Use >

Use the LabelPrinterUtility developed by Citizen to configure printer settings from a host computer.

The built-in LinkServer™ printer tool can be used over Ethernet connections to change settings and perform other operations.

Printer includes functionality to enable users to quickly adjust head balance.

<Models equipped with cutters are optionally available>

Models equipped with an auto cutter are also available.

The types of auto cutter units available include the integrated fixed blade/adjustable blade type and the interchangeable fixed blade/adjustable blade type.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (14)

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1.2 Unpacking

Make sure the following items are included with your printer.

NAME Exterior appearancePrinter CL-E300X***NX (standard type)

CL-E300X***NS (with AC adapter case)

CL-E300X***BC (with integrated cutter)

CL-E300X***PC (with interchangeable cutter)

AC adapter

*Standard type only.

AC cord




LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (15)

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NAME Exterior appearanceHead cleaner

Media shaft guide

Media shaft

USB cable


Quick Start GuideSafety Precautions

1.3 Model Classification

Model numbers indicate printer features according to the following system.

CL - E300 X J W N N T 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

1. Model nameCL-E300: 200 DPICL-E303: 300 DPI

2. Fixed value

3. MarketE: EuropeU: North America

4. Body case colorB: BlackW: Pure white

5. InterfaceN: USB port, Ethernet port, and RS-232C serial port




LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (16)

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6. CutterN: NoneBC: IntegratedPC: Interchangeable

7. AC adapterX: External typeS: Internal type

Certain combinations may not be available. Please contact us for inquiries on desired configurations.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (17)

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2. Part Names and Function

2.1 Front of Printer

CL-E300X***N (standard type)①

CL-E300X***NS (with AC adapter case)

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (18)

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CL-E300X***BC (with integrated cutter)

CL-E300X***PC (with interchangeable cutter)

1. Top cover windowEnables users to check the media level.

2. Top coverOpens upward so users can replace or set media.

3. Operation panelIncludes 2 LEDs and 1 key.Enables users to perform different printer operations and check printer status.

Refer to 2.2 Operation panel

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (19)

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4. Cover release buttonsThe cover is opened by pressing the buttons on both the right and left sides.

5. Push marks

6. AC adapter case

7. Cutter

2.2 Operation panel

The operation panel includes 2 LEDs and 1 key.

1. Power LEDTurns on when the power is turned on and turns off when the power is turned off.

2. Status LEDTurns on or flashes in green, red, and amber depending on the printer status.

Color Lights/flashes


Green On Printer is online

Flashes Receiving data

Amber On Startup

Red to green to amber Flashes Error or alarm

- Off Paused

3. FEED key

� Feeds media when pressed while the printer is waiting to receive data.

� Pressing and holding this key for at least 3 seconds changes the operation mode to the online configuration mode.

Refer to 9. Online Configuration Mode

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� Turning on the power to the printer while pressing and holding the FEED key with the cover closed changes starts the printer in the special function mode.

Refer to 8. Configuring the Printer Using the Operation Panel Other key operation varies depending on the currently selected mode. Refer to “FEED Key Operation” for more information.

Refer to 4.1 FEED Key Operation

2.3 Rear of Printer

CL-E300X***N (standard type)


CL-E300X***NS (with AC adapter case)

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (21)

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CL-E300X***BC (with integrated cutter)

1. External media feed portThis port is used to feed media into the printer.

2. Power switchTurns the printer power supply on and off.

3. DC jackConnects to the included AC adapter.

4. D-SUB 9pin serial interface

5. USB interface

6. Ethernet Interface

7. AC port

8. Ethernet panel buttonThis button prints and initializes network settings.

CAUTIONDo not connect a USB cable to the Ethernet interface. Doing so may damage connectors/inter-faces.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (22)

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2.4 Inside of Printer

CL-E300X***N (standard type)

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CL-E300X***BC (with integrated cutter)CL-E300X***PC (with interchangeable cutter)

1. Thermal headPrints characters and graphic data on paper (paper rolls).

2. Upper sensorThis sensor detects the media position.

3. Media damperWhen using roll media, absorbs tension generated by media feed operations to prevent print errors.

4. Bottom sensorThis sensor detects the media position.

5. Fixed left-side media guide

6. Adjustable right-side media guide

7. Platen rollerThis roller transports media.

8. Media shaft

9. Media shaft guide

10. Head balance adjustment slider

11. Manual cutter (Upper/Bottom)

12. Cutter

13. Media discharge port

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3.1 Printing Preparation Process

The printer must be set up according to the following process before printing can be performed. Refer to the description of each section for detailed information on each step of the process.

1. Unpack and check the package contents

Refer to 1.2 Unpacking

2. Physical installation

3. Loading Media

Refer to 3.2 Loading Paper

4. Adjusting Media Sensor Positions

Refer to 3.3 Adjusting Media Sensor Positions

5. Connecting the AC Adapter

Refer to 3.4 Connecting the AC Adapter

6. Connecting the Printer to a Host Computer

Refer to 3.5 Connecting the Printer to a Host Computer

7. Installing the Printer Driver onto the Host Computer

Refer to 3.6 Install the Printer Driver

8. Installing the Configuration Application onto the Host Computer

Refer to 5.2 Obtaining the LabelPrinterUtility

9. PrintingUse the Configuration Application installed on the Host Computer to print.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (25)

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3.2 Loading Paper

1. Press the cover release buttons on both the right and left sides to open the top cover.

CAUTIONNote the following precautions when the top cover is open.� Do not touch the thermal head.� Do not touch the cutter blades.

2. Insert the media shaft through the core of the media roll and then install the media shaft guide.� The media shaft is designed to accommodate both 1-inch and 1.5-inch media roll cores by

flipping it upside down. The media shaft has markings indicating which side supports the different core sizes. Select the media shaft orientation in accordance with the size of the media roll core.

1’ CORE 1.5’ CORE

CAUTION� Use media rolls that have the print surface on the outer side. Do not use media rolls that have

the print surface on the inner side. Labels may peel when such media roll is back-fed.� If the media shaft is not installed correctly, the top cover or bottom of the printer will prevent

media from feeding properly and cause paper jams.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (26)

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3. Set the media so that the media shaft guide is on the right side of the media when looking at the front of the printer.

4. Press the media shaft guide onto the media roll so that the center of the media aligns with the center of the media shaft and then set the media into the printer.1. Assemble the media shaft and media shaft guide.2. Insert the media shaft through the core of the media roll and then set the assembly into

the printer.

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27 ——

If using a model with the integrated fixed blade/adjustable blade type of cutter (CL-E300X***BC), insert the media through the cutter slit.

Media insertion slot


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28 ——

5. Make sure the media is in abutment with the left media guide and then adjust the posi-tion of the right media guide in accordance with the media width.

6. Slide the head balance adjustment slider located near the thermal head along the me-dia size scale (inches) so that the position of the notch in the slider matches the media width.

2’ 3’ 4’ 4.65’1’

Head balance adjustment slider

media size scale Thermal printhead

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29 ——

CAUTIONAdjust the head pressure horizontal balance carefully so as not to damage the thermal head. Damaged thermal heads will result in poor printing, paper jams, and malfunction.

7. Close the top cover.

CAUTIONPress the cover release buttons (push marks on left and right sides at the top of the top cover) and ensure that the top cover hooks on each side lock securely. If the top cover is not securely locked, this may cause print errors, paper jams, and malfunction.

Compatible Paper Types

CAUTIONContinuous label media cannot be used. Using such media may cause the label media adhesive to accumulate on cutter blades, which could result in failure.

Refer to the following specification table for information on the types of media compat-ible with this printer.









Printable area

Label media

Notch detection Black mark detection






Use oftransport sensor

Direction of media feed

Use ofreflective sensor


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30 ——

Minimum value Maximum valuemm inches mm inches

A Label width 21.50 0.83 118.00 4.65

B Backing paper width 25.40 1.00 118.00 4.65

C Left edge position of label 0 0 2.54 0.10

D Label gap length 2.54 0.10 2,539.75 (CL-E300)1,270.00 (CL-E303)

99.99 (CL-E300)50.00 (CL-E303)

E Label length 6.35 0.25 2,539.75 (CL-E300)1,270.00 (CL-E303)

99.99 (CL-E300)50.00 (CL-E303)

F Label pitch (standard) 6.35 0.25 2,539.75 (CL-E300)1,270.00 (CL-E303)

99.99 (CL-E300)50.00 (CL-E303)

Label pitch (integrated cutter)

28.00 1.10 2,539.75 (CL-E300)1,270.00 (CL-E303)

99.99 (CL-E300)50.00 (CL-E303)

Label pitch (interchange-able cutter)

20.00 0.78 2,539.75 (CL-E300)1,270.00 (CL-E303)

99.99 (CL-E300)50.00 (CL-E303)

G Backing paper thickness 0.06 0.0025 0.125 0.0049

H Total media thickness (standard / integrated cutter)

0.06 0.0025 0.19 0.0075

Total media thickness (interchangeable cutter)

0.06 0.0025 0.15 0.0059

I Notch right edge position 8.3 0.32 60.80 2.39

J Notch left edge position 0 0 57.20 2.25

K Notch length 2.54 0.10 17.80 0.70

L Black line right edge position

15.00 0.59 66.50 2.62

M Black line left edge posi-tion

0 0 51.50 2.02

N Black line length 3.18 0.125 17.80 0.70

� Use the transmissive sensor when using media that has both gaps between labels and black lines.

� Use the transmissive sensor when using fanfold media.

� If the label pitch is 1 inch or less, configure an accurate label pitch with the [Small Label Printing] setting.

� Use carbon-based ink with an OD value of at least 1.5 to print black lines.

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31 ——

3.3 Adjusting Media Sensor Positions

This section describes the procedure to adjust sensors when loading media. Transmis-sive and reflective sensors can be used for the media sensors.The printer comes from the factory equipped with a transmissive sensor. The media sensor must be replaced with a reflective sensor for certain types of media.

Refer to 8.1 Sensor Adjustment Mode

Range of Paper Sensor Adjustment

The following figure illustrates the range of media sensor adjustment.

Left fixed media guide

118mm (Max. media width)

(Moval scope of transport sensor)6.0 to 26.0mm

(Moval scope of reflective sensor)6.0 to 80.0mm

Dimension ofmedia feed


Left margin



Right margin



Printable area

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32 ——

Transmissive Sensor Adjustment

CAUTIONThe bottom sensor and upper sensor must be in alignment with each other.

Adjust the position of the bottom sensor and upper sensor in accordance with the media width.Move the bottom sensor and upper sensor by the same number of steps from the position of the triangle ().

variable range

Upper sensor

variable range

Bottom sensor

The range of bottom sensor and upper sensor horizontal adjustment is 10 steps between the triangle marks ().

Reflective Sensor Adjustment Adjust the sensor position so that the light-emitting unit of the bottom sensor is posi-

tioned at the center of the black line on media.

Media (Face side)Black mark(Reverse side)

3.4 Connecting the AC Adapter

CAUTION� Use the dedicated AC adapter designed for this device.� Make sure the power switch on the printer is turned off before connecting the AC adapter.� Insert the AC adapter connector completely into the DC jack.

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33 ——

1. Insert the DC plug on the output side of the AC adapter into the DC jack in the printer.

2. Insert the plug of the AC cord into an electrical outlet.

AC Adapter

Models with the AC adapter case

Insert the plug of the AC cord into the AC port.

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34 ——

3.5 Connecting the Printer to a Host Computer

This printer is equipped with print data interfaces including a USB port, an Ethernet port, and a serial port.Use the following procedure to connect this printer to a host computer.

CAUTIONInterface cables are required to connect the printer to a host computer.

1. Turn off the power to the printer and host computer.

2. Insert the cable into the appropriate interface port at the back of the printer.Tighten any locking screws to secure the cable.

USB cable

LAN cable

Serial cable

3. Insert the other end of the cable into the appropriate interface port in the host com-puter.Tighten any locking screws to secure the cable.

Using an Ethernet connection

Configure network settings as necessary.

Refer to 6. Configuring Ethernet Network Settings Using Network Seeker

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35 ——

CAUTION To check the current Ethernet settings, press the Ethernet panel button located next to the

Ethernet interface to printout the settings. To initialize Ethernet settings, press and hold the Ethernet panel button for at least 3 seconds.

Once the buzzer emits a short tone, press and hold the Ethernet panel button again within 3 seconds for at least 3 seconds.

3.6 Install the Printer Driver

Install the printer driver onto the host computer.Printer drivers are available for download from the Citizen Systems support website.The latest documentation, drivers, utilities, and other support information are also available from this website. Once a printer driver has been downloaded, follow the on-screen instructions to install the driver.

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36 ——

4. Basic Operation

Press the “○” side of power switch on the back of the printer.

Power switch

The power LED on the operation panel turns green after the power is turned on.

CAUTIONStop printer operation before turning off the power.

4.1 FEED Key Operation

Online state (status LED is solid green)

(1) Press the FEED key while the printer is not receiving data to feed media.

� If label media is specified, the printer automatically stops after detecting the beginning of media. If continuous media is specified, the printer stops after a certain amount of feed operation.

� If Tear off mode is selected in the Function Select setting, the printer feeds me-dia to the tear-off position.

� For models with a cutter, the printer will feed media to the cut position and then cut the media.

(2) Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds while the printer is not receiv-ing data to change the operation mode to the online configuration mode.

Refer to 9. Online Configuration Mode




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37 ——

Printing (status LED is solid or flashing in green)

Press the FEED key while the printer is printing or receiving data to pause the printer.

� The status LED turns off, and the printer pauses.

� If the FEED key is pressed while the printer is printing, the printer will finish printing the current label and then stop. Press the FEED key again to resume printing operation for the remaining labels in the print job.

Paused (status LED is off)

Press and hold the FEED key to change to the clear job mode.

Refer to 10. Clearing Jobs Stored in the Printer

Error/alarm has occurred (status LED flashes in sequence of red to green to amber)

Press the FEED key to clear the error or alarm.

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38 ——

5. Configuring Printer Settings Using the Specialized Utility

This section describes the procedures to configure printer settings using the Label-PrinterUtility.

Refer to the following sections for more information on obtaining and using LabelPrint-erUtility.

Refer to 5.2 Obtaining the LabelPrinterUtility

Refer to 5.3 Using the LabelPrinterUtility

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39 ——

5.1 List of Settings

Use the LabelPrinterUtility configuration application to change printer settings.The following table lists the settings configurable with LabelPrinterUtility.

Home menu Sub menu Default Configurable range NotesPage Setup - 1 Print Speed 6 IPS CL-E300: 2 - 8 IPS

CL-E303: 2 - 6 IPSSets the print speed

Print Darkness 10 00 - 30 Adjusts the print densityDarkness Adjust 00 -10 - 10 Fine adjustment of the density

commandContinuous Media Length

4.00 inches 101.6 mm

CL-E300:0.25 - 99.99 inches 6.4 - 2,539.7 mmCL-E303:0.25 - 50.00 inches 6.4 - 1,270.0 mm

Sets the length of continuous mediaThe lower row shows millimeter values when using the printer in mm mode

Vertical Position 0.00 inches 0.0 mm

-1.00 - 1.00 inches -25.4 - 25.4 mm

Adjusts the printing start position

Horizontal Shift 0.00 inches 0.0 mm

-1.00 - 1.00 inches -25.4 - 25.4 mm

Adjusts the horizontal image posi-tion

Home menu Sub menu Default Configurable range NotesPage Setup - 2 Vertical Image (Datamax)

0.00 inches 0.0 mm

0.00 - 32.00 inch 0.0 - 812.8 mm

Adjusts the start position for creat-ing images

(Zebra)000 dots

-120 - 120 dots

Auto Side Shift 0 dots 0 - 15 dots Shifts the horizontal print position by the specified number of dots for each sheet/label. This is useful when significant load is placed on the portion of the thermal head, such as when printing vertical borders.

Media Sensor See Through See ThroughReflectNone

Selects the type of label sensor type

Small Media Adjustment

Off OnOff

Setting for small label support

Small Media Length

1.00 inch 25.4 mm

0.25 - 1.00 inches 6.4 - 25.4 mm

Sets the length for small label media

Symbol Set JS (Japanese models)

50 options Sets the character set

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40 ——

Home menu Sub menu Default Configurable range NotesSystem Setup - 1 Sensor Monitor - - Displays the detection level of the

currently selected sensorSensor Level 1.7 V 0.0 V - 3.3 V Sets the sensor thresholdPaper End Level 3.00 V 0.01 V - 3.00 V Sets the paper end levelError Reporting On Printing On Printing

ImmediateError reporting setting

Buzzer Select Exec/Err Exec/ErrAllErrorKeyNone

Sets the conditions at which the buzzer is triggered

Metric/Inch Inch Inchmm

Sets the unit of measure

Max Media Length

10.00 inch 254.0 mm

CL-E300:1.00 - 99.99 inch 25.4 - 2,539.7 mmCL-E303:1.00 - 50.00 inch 25.4 - 1,270.0 mm

Sets the maximum length of label media

Home menu Sub menu Default Configurable range NotesSystem Setup - 2 Settings Lock Off On

OffPrevents changes via setting com-mands

Keyboard Lock Off OnOff

Prevents changes via key operation

Control Code STD STDALTALT-2

Changes the command mode for DMX mode (only when Datamax® emulation is selected)

Media Power Up Off OnOff

Sets the media length measuring function when the power is turned on (only when Zebra® emulation mode is selected on international models)

CI Lock Off OnOff

Prevents changes via CI com-mands (only when Zebra® emula-tion mode is selected on interna-tional models)

Emulation Select DM4(Datamax®)ZPI2 (Zebra®)

DM4DMIDPPZPI2EPL2 (future release)

Datamax®/Zebra® compatibility selectionDM4 Datamax® 400DMI Datamax® IClassTMDPP Datamax® Prodigy Plus®ZPI2 Zebra® ZPL2 ®EPL2 Zebra ® EPL2TM (future release)

Emulation Auto Detect

Full Auto OnOffFull Auto

Sets the emulation sensing function (international models only)

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41 ——

Home menu Sub menu Default Configurable range NotesAfter Print - 1 AutoConfigure On On

OffEnables/disables the auto configu-ration of optional equipment.On - Enables auto configuration (when a cutter is installed, mode is automatically configured regardless of the Function Select setting)Off - Disables auto configuration. Turn this setting Off and select op-eration with Function Select when you do not want to use the cutter if installed.

Function Select Tear OffTearCut On(only valid for models with cutters)

Selects the operation mode when AutoConfigure is Off. Each option has a specified media stop position. Enables operation of the applicable device when selected.Also simultaneously emulates the parameter of the Prodigy Plus f command for each optional device.

Cutter Action*Only valid for models with cutters

Backfeed BackfeedThrough

Cutter action settingAppears and prints only when Auto-Configure for models with cutters is On or when [Backfeed] is selected for the Function Select setting.The [Backfeed] option performs a back-feed after each cut operation.The [Through] option continues the print operation at the trailing edge of each sheet/label from the first sheet/label to the n-1 sheet/label when the number of copies is set to n. A back-feed operation is then performed at the trailing edge of the last sheet/label or when printing a single sheet/label.

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42 ——

Home menu Sub menu Default Configurable range NotesAfter Print - 2 Paper Position 0.00 inches

0.00 mmSTD0.00 - 2.00 inch 0.0 - 50.8 mmCut/Tear-1.00 - 1.00 inches -25.4 - 25.4 mm

Adjusts the stop position.This setting is dependent on the Metric/Inch setting.Each device has an initial stop position as configured with the settings previously described. This setting sets a relative value from these other settings.

Feed Key Action Feeds Media Repeat Last SetRepeat Last OneFeeds Media

Changes the operation of the Feed keyRepeat Last Set Reprints a set of labels. This setting is ignored when Ze-bra®* emulation mode is selected.Repeat Last One Reprints the last page only. Prints only 1 sheet/label from the current number when using counts.Feeds Media Functions as the FEED key. Disables reprinting.

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43 ——

Home menu Sub menu Default Configurable range NotesInterface RS-232C Baud

Rate9600 115200


Sets the baud rate of the serial interface

RS-232C Parity None NoneOddEven

Sets the communication parity of the serial interface

RS-232C Length

8 bits 8 bits7 bits

Sets the data length for the serial interface

RS-232C Stop bit

1 bit 1 bit2 bits

Sets the stop bits for the serial interface

RS-232C X-ON Yes YesNo

Enables/disables X-ON flow control for the serial interface

USB Device Class

Printer PrinterVCOM

Sets the USB device class

USB VCOM Protocol

Auto AutoDTRX-ON

Sets the USB VCOM protocol (flow control)

IPv4 Address -

Sets the IPv4 network address

IPv4 Subnet Mask -

Sets the IPv4 subnet mask

IPv4 Gateway -

Sets the IPv4 gateway

IPv4 DHCP On OnOff

Enables/disables IPv4 DHCP

IPv6 On OnOff

Enables/disables IPv6

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44 ——

Home menu Sub menu Default Configurable range NotesMachine Infor-mation

Model Number - CL-E300 Displays the model number. *Appears as “CL-E303” for the CL-E303 model.

Boot Version - *.* Displays the boot version

ROM Version - ******** Displays the ROM version

ROM Date - **/**/** Displays the ROM creation date

ROM Check-Sum

- **** Displays the ROM checksum

Print Counter - ****.*** km Displays the print counter

Service Counter - ****.*** km Displays the service counter

Cut Counter - ******* Displays the cut counter only for models with cutters

Sensor Monitor - *.* V Displays the sensor level

MAC Address - **.**.**.**.**.** Displays the MAC address

Global Configu-ration

- Config Set 1 Config Set 1Config Set 2Config Set 3

Configuration number setting

5.2 Obtaining the LabelPrinterUtility

1. Access the following URL from a PC to download the LabelPrinterUtility.

2. Save the downloaded LabelPrinterUtility.exe to the desired folder.

5.3 Using the LabelPrinterUtility

Start LabelPrinterUtility.exe.Refer to the user manual for more information on using the application.

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45 ——

6. Configuring Ethernet Network Settings Using Network Seeker

By using “CITIZEN Network Seeker”, utility software that runs on Windows, you can check and change the Ethernet interface board settings.

6.1 Starting Network Seeker

After obtaining the program “NetSeeker.exe” from the CD-ROM or our website, double click the program. A dialog box appears.Click “Seek” to start a LAN IF search.

1. “Seek” buttonStart a search for Ethernet interface boards on the network.Waits for a response during the time configured with [Communication timeout].

2. “Edit config” buttonChange the settings of the selected board.

3. Board information listSingle click to select a board and double click to change settings.

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4. Board informationSingle click to select a board and double click to change settings.

5. Configuration display sectionView the settings of the selected board.

6. Client condition displayWhen “Busy” is displayed, operations to search, change settings, and so on are prohibited.If you click “Stop”, the “Busy” status is cleared forcibly.

7. Communication timeoutYou can configure the time-out duration for searches and other operations.

8. Status logView the status of the utility.

6.2 Changing Settings

You can configure an Ethernet interface board by selecting it at the main dialog box, and then clicking “Edit config”.

1. These are unalterable parameters.These parameters are for display purposes only.

2. These are changeable parameters.Users can change these parameters.

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7. Configuring Printer Settings Using a Browser

Printer and network settings can be configured using a Web browser via the printer’s built-in LinkServer function.

7.1 LinkServer user roles

LinkServer has the following three user roles available: User, Operator, and Administra-torThe menus that appear for each user role can be changed to restrict operational ac-cess to LinkServer.The Home screen for the user role appears when first connecting.

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48 ——

7.2 LinkServer menu configuration

The following figure illustrates the LinkServer menu configuration.

Configure The Printer

Home screen

Page Setup Menu screen

System Setup Menu screen

After Print Menu screen

Internal Interface Menu screen

Optional Interface Menu screen

Global Configuration screen

Operate The Printer

Test Print screen

Send File To Printer screen

Firmware Download screen

Factory Defaults screen

Restart Printer screen

Emulation Switch screen

User Settings screen

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49 ——

7.3 LinkServer connection procedure

1. Open a Web browser and enter the IP address of the desired printer into the address bar (area circled in red).The example illustrates the entry of “”.

2. Press the [LOG IN] to display the authentication window.

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50 ——

3. Enter your user name and password.The default authentication credentials for the Operator role are as follows.� User name: Operator� Password: OperatorThe default authentication credentials for the Administrator role are as follows.� User name: Admin� Password: AdminThe user name and password for the Operator and Administrator roles can be changed in the User Settings menu. User names and passwords can contain up to 20 single-byte, alpha-numeric characters and symbols.After successful authentication, the Home screen for the Operator or Administrator role ap-pears.

Administrator Home Screen

The menus that appear for the User and Operator roles can be changed from the User Set-tings menu.

4. Press the Menu button on the Home screen to perform printer operations.� Printer Information: Displays printer information.� Configure The Printer: Provides access to the same settings as configured with LabelPrint-

erUtility.� Operate The Printer: Used to operate the printer.

5. Once you are finished, press the [LOG OUT] button to log out.The Home screen for the User role appears again after logging out.

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51 ——

8. Configuring the Printer Using the Operation Panel

The following operations can be performed from the control panel after changing the printer operation mode to the special mode.

� Adjust media sensors

� Print test samples

� Print the settings configuration

� Change emulation modes

� HEX dump mode

� Initialize the printer*This device is not equipped with the [Menu Configuration Mode] featured in other models.

1. With the top cover closed, turn on the power to the printer while pressing and holding the FEED key.The printer changes to the special mode.The buzzer emits 3 short tones and the status LED flashes alternately in green and red.

2. Press the FEED key to select the desired operation mode.

Mode Buzzer Status LEDColor Interval

Special function mode 3 short tones Alternately in green and red

Flashes quickly

Press the FEED key ↓Sensor Adjustment Mode 1 short tones Green Flashes

Press the FEED key ↓Test print mode 2 short tones Green Flashes quickly

Press the FEED key ↓Configuration print mode 3 short tones Amber Flashes

Press the FEED key ↓

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52 ——

Mode Buzzer Status LEDColor Interval

Emulation switching mode 4 short tones Amber Flashes quickly

Press the FEED key ↓HEX dump mode 5 short tones Red Flashes

Press the FEED key ↓Initialization mode 6 short tones Red Flashes quickly

Press the FEED key ↓Returns to the sensor adjustment mode.

3. Once the desired operation mode has been selected, press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

4. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone.The printer is now in the desired operation mode.

5. After finishing use of operation modes, press and hold the FEED for at least 3 seconds to return to the normal startup mode.After you have finished configuring each mode, restart the printer.

To return to the normal startup mode without selecting an operation mode after chang-ing to the special function mode, press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

If you continue to press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds after the buzzer emits a long tone, the buzzer will emit 4 short tones, and then printer restarts.

The printer restarts, and changes to normal mode.

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53 ——

8.1 Sensor Adjustment Mode

Use this mode to adjust media sensors (upper or lower) in accordance with the media used.Set the sensor position and media before starting this adjustment procedure.

Setting transmissive sensor positions and media

1. Align the bottom sensor and upper sensor with each other at the same position.

Refer to Transmissive Sensor Adjustment

2. Peel a label and set the media so that only the backing paper (glassine paper) reaches the platen roller and media sensor.If the media has black lines, do not set the media so that a black line is between the sensors.


Liner media

Media gap

Bottom sensor

Upper sensor

3. Adjust the sensors.

Refer to Sensor adjustment

Setting reflective sensor positions and media

1. Adjust the reflective sensor so that it is underneath the media.

2. Set the media so that the media covers the platen roller and media sensor.Set that media so that black lines or gaps between labels do not cover the sensor.� Using continuous media and label media without gaps between labels

Set the media so that a section without a black line (or label face stock for label media) does not cover the platen roller and media sensor.

Black mark


Liner media

Bottom sensor

Black mark

Continuous media

Bottom sensor

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54 ——

� Using label media with gapsPeel a label and set the media so that only the backing paper (glassine paper) reaches the platen roller and media sensor.


Liner media

Bottom sensor

Black mark

3. Adjust the sensors.

Refer to Sensor adjustment

Sensor adjustment

1. Turn on the power to the printer while pressing and holding the FEED key to start the printer in special function mode.

2. Press the FEED key once to select sensor adjustment mode.The buzzer emits 1 short tone. The status LED also flashes in green.

3. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

4. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone and then press the FEED key again.The printer is now in sensor adjustment mode.

5. Press the FEED key to select either transmissive sensor or reflective sensor.Each press of the FEED key toggles between transmissive sensor and reflective sensor op-tions.

Sensor Buzzer Status LEDColor Interval

Transmissive sensor 1 short tones Green Flashes

Press the FEED key ↕Reflective sensor 2 short tones Green Flashes quickly

6. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

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55 ——

7. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone.The sensor adjustment process starts.� Once sensors have been adjusted, the buzzer emits 1 short tone, and the printer restarts.� The buzzer emits 1 long tone if sensor adjustment fails. If this happens, check the sensor

and media positions.

To cancel sensor adjustment, continue pressing and holding the FEED key for at least 3 seconds at step 7.The buzzer emits 4 short tones, and the printer restarts.

8.2 Test print mode

This mode prints the test sample.This printer can print test samples to label media and continuous media.Printing test samples is a quick way to check print quality.


Load media and then perform the following procedure.

1. Turn on the power to the printer while pressing and holding the FEED key to start the printer in special function mode.

2. Press the FEED key twice to select test print mode.The buzzer emits 2 short tone. The status LED also flashes quickly in green.

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56 ——

3. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

4. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone.The printer is now in test print mode.

5. Press the FEED key to select the media.Each press of the FEED key toggles between label media and continuous media.

Media Buzzer Status LEDColor Interval

Label media 1 short tones Green Flashes

Press the FEED key ↕Continuous 2 short tones Green Flashes quickly

6. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

7. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone.The test print process starts.� Once the test sample has been printed, press the FEED key to print another test sample

without a feed operation.

8. Once the test sample has been printed, turn the power to the printer off and on again to reset the printer in the normal startup mode.

To cancel test printing, continue pressing and holding the FEED key for at least 3 sec-onds without releasing your finger at step 7.The buzzer emits 4 short tones, and the printer restarts.

CAUTIONNormal mode printing can also be performed when the printer is in test print mode. Note that pressing the FEED key while the printer is in test print mode will not feed media. Instead, it will print a test sample.

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8.3 Configuration Print ModeThis mode is used to print the printer settings configuration when using continuous media mode.Printing the current settings configuration is a quick way to check the current configuration.

Example of printed settings configuration

Load media and then perform the following procedure.1. Turn on the power to the printer while pressing and holding the FEED key to start the

printer in special function mode.

2. Press the FEED key 3 times to select configuration print mode.The buzzer emits 3 short tone. The status LED also flashes in amber.

3. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.4. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone.

The printer is now in settings print mode.




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5. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

6. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone.The configuration print process starts.Once the configuration has been printed, the printer will be in the online state.

7. To print configurations that include default settings, continue pressing and holding the FEED for at least 3 seconds without releasing your finger at step 6.

8. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone and then press the FEED key again.The process to print a configuration that includes default settings starts.Once the configuration has been printed, the printer will be in the online state.

To cancel configuration printing, continue pressing and holding the FEED key for at least 3 seconds without releasing your finger at step 7.The buzzer emits 4 short tones, and the printer restarts.

8.4 Emulation switching mode

This mode is used to change the command set used.The default setting is [DMX mode].

1. Turn on the power to the printer while pressing and holding the FEED key to start the printer in special function mode.

2. Press the FEED key 4 times to select emulation switching mode.The buzzer emits 4 short tone. The status LED also flashes quickly in amber.

3. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

4. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone.The printer is now in emulation switching mode.

5. Press the FEED key to select an emulation switching mode.Each press of the FEED key cycles through the emulation mode options including DMX mode, ZPL mode, and EPL mode.

Emulation mode Buzzer Status LEDColor Interval

DMX mode 1 short tones Green Flashes

Press the FEED key ↓ZPL mode 2 short tones Green Flashes quickly

Press the FEED key ↓

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59 ——

Emulation mode Buzzer Status LEDColor Interval

EPL mode 3 short tones Amber Flashes

Press the FEED key ↓Returns to DMX mode.

6. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

7. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone and then press the FEED key again.The selected emulation mode is set, and the printer restarts.

To cancel setting the emulation mode, continue pressing and holding the FEED key for at least 3 seconds without releasing your finger at step 7.The buzzer emits 4 short tones, and the printer restarts.

8.5 HEX Dump Mode

This mode is used to print a hex dump list (data received by the printer represented in hex values) for confirmation of the data content.

Example of dump list printing

Load media and then perform the following procedure.

1. Turn on the power to the printer while pressing and holding the FEED key to start the printer in special function mode.

2. Press the FEED key 5 times to select HEX dump mode.The buzzer emits 5 short tone. The status LED also flashes in red.

3. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

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60 ——

4. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone.The printer is now in HEX dump mode.

5. Press the FEED key to select the media.Each press of the FEED key toggles between label media and continuous media.

Media Buzzer Status LEDColor Interval

Label media 1 short tones Green Flashes

Press the FEED key ↕Continuous 2 short tones Green Flashes quickly

6. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

7. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone and then press the FEED key again.The hex dump list print process starts.

8. Once the HEX dump list has been printed, turn the power to the printer off and on again to reset the printer in the normal startup mode.

To cancel HEX dump mode, continue pressing and holding the FEED key for at least 3 seconds without releasing your finger at step 7.The buzzer emits 4 short tones, and the printer restarts.

8.6 Initialization Mode

This mode is used to initialize printer settings and the user memory area.

1. Turn on the power to the printer while pressing and holding the FEED key to start the printer in special function mode.

2. Press the FEED key 6 times to select initialization mode.The buzzer emits 6 short tone. The status LED also flashes quickly in red.

3. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

4. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone.The printer is now in initialization mode.

5. Press the FEED key to select initialization of settings or initialization of the user memory area.Each press of the FEED key toggles between settings initialization and user memory area initialization.

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61 ——

Initialization option Buzzer Status LEDColor Interval

Settings initialization 1 short tones Green Flashes

Press the FEED key ↕User memory area initial-

ization2 short tones Green Flashes quickly

6. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

7. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone and then press the FEED key again.Once the selected initialization process completes, the printer restarts.

To cancel setting the initialization mode, continue pressing and holding the FEED key for at least 3 seconds without releasing your finger at step 7.The buzzer emits 4 short tones, and the printer restarts.

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9. Online Configuration Mode

1. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds while the printer is online and not receiving data.The printer is now in online configuration mode.The buzzer emits 3 short tones and the status LED flashes alternately in green and red.

2. Press the FEED key to select media sensor mode.

Media sensor mode Buzzer Status LEDColor Interval

Transmissive sensor mode 1 short tones Green Flashes

Press the FEED key ↓Reflective sensor mode 2 short tones Green Flashes quickly

Press the FEED key ↓Continuous media mode 3 short tones Amber Flashes

Press the FEED key ↓Returns to the transmissive sensor mode.

3. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.

4. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits a long tone.The selected media sensor mode is set.

To cancel online configuration mode, continue pressing and holding the FEED key for at least 3 seconds without releasing your finger at step 4.The buzzer emits 4 short tones, and the printer restarts.

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10. Clearing Jobs Stored in the PrinterJobs stored in the printer can be cleared when the printer is paused.

1. Press the FEED key if the printer is printing or receiving data.The printer is now paused.

2. Press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 seconds.The buzzer emits 1 short tone.

3. Release the FEED key.One job has been cleared.Alternatively, continue to press and hold the FEED key for at least 3 second without releasing your finger until the buzzer emits 2 short tones.

4. Release the FEED key once the buzzer emits 2 short tones.All jobs have been cleared.

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11. MaintenancePerform printer maintenance on a regular basis to ensure that the printer is always in good working condition.

Thermal printhead


CAUTIONExcluding ethyl alcohol, do not use solvents such as benzene, acetone, thinner, or others to clean the printer. Doing so may cause the printer surface or other parts to deform.

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65 ——

11.1 Plastic Surface of Printer and Platen

Use a soft cloth or cotton swab dipped with a small amount of ethyl alcohol to wipe off dust and dirt.

CAUTIONUsing an excessive amount of ethyl alcohol to clean the platen may cause surface deformation, which would result in unstable feed operation.

11.2 Thermal head

Use a cotton swab dipped with a small amount of ethyl alcohol or the included head cleaner.

CAUTION The thermal head is hot immediately after printing. Do not touch the thermal head at this time. Do not touch the thermal head with bare hands or do not allow metals to come into contact

with the thermal head.

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12. Appendices

12.1 Troubleshooting

The status LED and buzzer are used to confirm error status when errors occur in the printer.

Status LED

Buzzer Error Error description (in bold) and resolution

Flashes in red

2 short tones

Head Up Error Top cover is not closed correctly.� Close the top cover correctly.

Flashes in red

3 short tones

End of Media Error Printer has run out of media.Media is not set correctly.� Open the top cover and load media or set the media correctly.

Flashes in red

4 short tones

Media Load Error Media Jam Error

Label gaps or black lines cannot be detected.� Check the media sensor positions.� Readjust the media sensors.� Make sure the selection of transmissive sensor, reflective

sensor, or continuous media matches the type of media used.Media cannot be transported.� Open the top cover, remove any media blocking transport,

and set the media again.

Flashes in red

6 short tones

Cutter Error (models with cutters)

Cutter is not operating.� Open the top cover and remove any media or other object

blocking cutter operation.� If the cutter does not operate after removing foreign objects,

the cutter may not be connected or installed correctly or may have failed. Contact your retailer.

Home position cannot be detected.� The auto cutter may have failed. Contact your retailer.

Flashes in amber

Rep-etitions of long tones

Head Low Tempera-ture Error

The thermal head is at a low temperature (approximately -10°C).� Use the printer in proper environments of at least 0°C.The thermal head is not connected.� Check the cable connection with the thermal head.

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67 ——

Status LED

Buzzer Error Error description (in bold) and resolution

Flashes in amber

None Head High Tempera-ture Alarm Motor High Tem-perature Alarm

The thermal head or feed motor is at a high temperature.� Printing stops if the thermal head reaches approximately

70°C or more while printing. Printing resumes automatically once the temperature falls to approximately 60°C or lower.

� Printing stops if the feed motor reaches approximately 95°C or more while operating. Printing resumes automatically once the temperature falls to approximately 85 ℃ or lower.

Flashes alter-nately in red and green

Rep-etitions of long tones

RS-232C Communi-cation Error

Parity errorFraming errorReceive buffer is fullTransmission buffer is full� Check the communication settings.

Flashes alter-nately in red and amber

Rep-etitions of long tones

Hardware Error A hardware error has been detected.� Immediately turn off the power to the printer and contact your


12.2 Basic Specifications


Item DescriptionPrint method Direct thermal

Resolution CL-E300 Main scanning line density: 203 dots/inch (8 dots/mm)

Sub-scanning line density: 203 dots/inch (8 dots/mm)

Head dots: 864 dots (effective dots: 832)

CL-E303 Main scanning line density: 300 dots/inch (11.8 dots/mm)

Sub-scanning line density: 300 dots/inch (11.8 dots/mm)

Head dots: 1248 dots (effective dots: 1240)

Max. print width CL-E300 104 mm / 4.1 inches

CL-E303 105 mm / 4.1 inches

Max. print length CL-E300 2,540.0 mm / 100.00 inches

CL-E303 1,270.0 mm / 50.00 inches

Print density Print density is adjustable with software

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68 ——

Print speed

Item DescriptionPrint speed setting CL-E300 2 - 8 inches per second in 1-inch increments (7 - 8 inches per

second possible at normal temperature using a print density of 10 and the recommended direct thermal media)

CL-E303 2 - 6 inches per second in 1-inch increments

Print mode

Item DescriptionBatch mode Normal printing (single or multiple sheets)

Tear off mode Back-feeds to the tear-off position after printing is complete. (Labels may peel when roll media is back-fed.)

Cut mode*1 Prints while cutting after every specified number of sheets/labels. Two types of cut mode operations are available.� Back-feed� Cut-through(Cut-through pauses printing to cut the previous label when it reaches the

cut position. Printing resumes after the cut operation, but a gap may be formed at the location where printing was paused.)


Item DescriptionMedia types Roll, fanfold media

(Continuous label media, die-cut media, continuous tag media, and continuous ticket media)

Roll media orienta-tion

Outer surface

Recommended media

Label media (Ricoh 150LA-1), tag media (Ricoh 130LHB)

Max. media width 118.0 mm / 4.65 inches

Min. media width 25.4 mm / 1.00 inches

Min. label width 21.5 mm / 0.85 inches

Min. media pitch 6.35 mm / 0.25 inches

Max. media thick-ness

Standard type 0.19 mm / 0.0075 inches

Integrated cutter type

Interchangeable cutter type

0.15 mm / 0.0059 inches

Max. media length CL-E300 2,539.7 mm / 99.99 inches

CL-E303 1,270.0 mm / 50.00 inches

Min. media length 6.40 mm / 0.25 inches

Min. media thickness 0.0635 mm / 0.0025 inches

Loaded roll diameter Max. external diameter: 127 mm / 5 inches

Media core: 25.4 or 38.1 mm / 1 or 1.5 inches

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69 ——


Item DescriptionDatamax®* emulation One-


·Code 3 of 9 ·UPC-A ·UPC-E ·EAN-13 (JAN-13) ·EAN-8 (JAN-8) ·Interleaved 2 of 5 ·Code 128 ·HIBC (Code 3 of 9 using Modulus 43) ·Codabar (NW-7) ·Int 2 of 5 (Interleaved 2 of 5 using Modulus 10) ·Plessey ·Case Code ·UPC2DIG Add ·UPC5DIG Add Code 93 ·Telepen


·UPS Maxi Code ·PDF-417 ·Data Matrix ·QR Code ·Aztec ·GS1 DataBar


Item DescriptionDatamax®*1 emulation 1. 7 types of fixed-pitch fonts

2. OCR fontsOCR-A and OCR-B*33. Proportional fontsCG Triumvirate smooth fontCG Triumvirate bold smooth fontCL-E300: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, and 48 pointsCL-E303: 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, and 48 pointsCharacter sets: Compliant with code page 8504. TrueType™ rasterizer*3

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70 ——

Symbol Sets

Item DescriptionSingle-byte sets ·PC866U Ukrainian*4 ·PC Cyrillic ·ISO 60 Danish/Norwegian ·Desk Top ·ISO

8859/1 Latin 1 ·ISO 8859/2 Latin 2 ·ISO 8859/9 Latin 5 ·ISO 8859/10 Latin 6 ·ISO 8859/7 Latin/Greek ·ISO 8859/15 Latin 9 ·ISO 8859/5 Latin/Cyrillic ·ISO 69: French ·ISO 21: German ·ISO 15: Italian ·Legal, Math-8 ·Macintosh ·Math ·PC-858 Multilingual ·Microsoft Publishing ·PC-8 ·Code Page 437 ·PC-8 D/N ·Code Page 437N ·PC-852 Latin/Greek ·PC-862 Latin/Hebrew ·Pi Font ·PC-850 Multilingual ·PC-864 ·Latin/Arabic ·PC-8 TK ·Code Page 437T ·PC-1004 ·PC-775 Baltic ·Non-UGL ·Generic Pi Font ·Roman-8 ·Roman-9 ·ISO 17: Spanish ·ISO 11: Swedish ·Symbol ·PS Text ·ISO 4: United Kingdom ·ISO 6: ASCII ·Ventura International ·Ventura Math ·Ventura US ·Windows 3.1 Latin 1 ·Wingdings ·Windows 3.1 Latin 2 ·Windows 3.1 Baltic (Latv, Lith) ·Windows 3.0 Latin 1 ·Windows Latin/Cyrillic ·Windows 3.1 Latin 5

Double-byte sets ·EUC ·JIS ·Shift JIS ·Unicode ·KS Code ·GB Code

*4 “PC866U Ukraina” is supported only in Datamax® emulation.

Control Languages

Supports the Datamax® language

Digital Processing Components

Item DescriptionCPU 32-bit RISC CPU (max. operation frequency of 216 MHz)

ROM 16 MBytes of flash ROM (user area: 4 MBytes)

RAM 32 MBytes of SDRAM (user area: 4 MBytes)

Media detection sensors

Item DescriptionTransmissive sensor Detects label gaps, tag notches, and out of media state

Reflective sensor Detects black lines on back of media and out of media state

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Communication interfaces

Item DescriptionUSB Full-speed USB 2.0 (12 Mbps)

Ethernet 100BASE-TX / 10BASE-T

Serial 9-pin D-SUB RS232CBaud rates: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200 bps

Indicators and switches

Item DescriptionLED Power on (green), status/errors/alarms (green, red, and amber)

Buzzer Alarms, warnings, and other indications

Operation keys 1 (Performs feed and other operations)

Head-up detection switch Detects head-up states

Ethernet panel button Prints and initializes Ethernet settings

Power switch Turning the Power On/Off

Power supply

AC adapter (CEC Level VI-compliant) Input: 100 - 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz Output: 24 VDC, 2.5 A

Supported Standards

� VCCI: Class B

� UL: 60950-1st, 2nd Edition

� CSA: No. 950

� FCC: 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart B, Class B

� EN: 60950-1

� EN: 62368-1

� EN: 55032:2012 Class B

� EN: 55024:2010

� EN: 61000-3-2:2014

� EN: 61000-3-3:2013

� EU: RoHS (2011/95/EC)

� CCC: GB4943.1-2011, GB9254-1998, and GB17625.1-2003

� KC-Mark / BIS / NOM-Mark / S-Mark

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72 ——

Environmental conditions

Item DescriptionOperating temperature Safe operating temperature: 0 - 40°C

Safe printing temperature: 5 - 35°CHumidity: 30 - 80%, no condensation

Storage temperature conditions Temperature: -20 - 60°C, Humidity: 5 - 85%(conditions: stored with head up, excluding record sheet, no condensation)

Electrostatic Voltage


AC Power Consumption

Item DescriptionCL-E300 100 V/50 Hz: 1.0 W standby,

64 W during operation (USB, print speed of 8 IPS, print density of 10, printing rate of 12.5 %)220 V/50 Hz: 1.0 W standby, 57 W during operation (USB, print speed of 8 IPS, print density of 10, printing rate of 12.5 %)

CL-E303 100 V/50 Hz: 1.0 W standby, 50 W during operation (USB, print speed of 6 IPS, print density of 10, printing rate of 12.5 %)220 V/50 Hz: 1.0 W standby, 49 W during operation (USB, print speed of 6 IPS, print density of 10, printing rate of 12.5 %)

External Dimensions

Refer to External Dimensions


� CL-E300X***N (standard type): 2.0 kg

� CL-E300X***BC (integrated cutter type): 2.3 kg

� CL-E300X***PC (interchangeable cutter type): 2.2 kg*Excludes media, the AC adapter, and power cord.


� Quick Start Guide


� AC adapter

� Power cord

� Media holder and media shaft

� USB cable

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73 ——

Factor Options (the default setting)

� Cutter unit (integrated or interchangeable)

External Dimensions

CL-E300X***N (standard type)

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74 ——

CL-E300X***NS (with AC adapter case)

CL-E300X***BC (with integrated cutter)

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CL-E300X***PC (with interchangeable cutter)

12.3 Usage Conditions

(1) Safe operating temperature: 0 - 40°C

(2) Safe printing temperature: 5 - 35°C

(3) Humidity: 30 - 80℃ RH (no condensation)

0 5 35




40Temperature °C

Humidity %

Operating assurance temperaturePrinting assurance temperature

Conditions assuring operation and printing

12.4 Printer Storage Conditions

(1) Temperature: -20 - 60°C (excluding record sheet)

(2) Humidity: 5 - 85% RH (excluding record sheet, no condensation)*However, for storage at high temperature and humid environments, the combination of 40°C and 85% RH (no condensation) is taken as the worst value.

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12.5 Interfaces

USB Interface


Standard Compliant with Universal Serial Bus Specification 2.0

Transmission speed Supports Full-speed 12 Mbps transfer

Receive buffer 16 kB receive buffer

Connector USB-B connector

Signal Line/Pin Assignment

Signal code Signal Pin No. FunctionVBUS USB power 1 USB power (+5 V)

D- Negative signal line 2 Negative signal line

D+ Positive signal line 3 Positive signal line


Ethernet Interface

Supported Protocols

Supported Protocols ARP, IP, and TCP

Transport layer protocols TCP and UDP

Application layer protocols DHCP, HTTP, SNMP, and Raw Socket Port

Raw Socket PortPerforms bidirectional communication of print data and printer status.

Port No. 9100 (user-configurable)

Direction of port communication Bidirectional

Max. socket connections 8

Printable connections 1 (other sockets are reserved)

Timeout Default: 60 secondsConfigurable between 0 and 300 seconds.Value of 0 disables timeouts.

HTTP ServerThe Web monitoring function can be used to configure printer and network settings.Refer to the pages describing the Web monitor for more information.

Refer to 7. Configuring Printer Settings Using a Browser

Port No. 80

Max. simultaneous connections 4

HTTP version HTTP/1.1

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77 ——

DHCPAutomatically retrieves IP address information from a DHCP server within 60 seconds after the power is turned on. If IP address information cannot be retrieved automatically, a fixed IP address (default is is applied.SNMP Agent

SNMP Version SNMPv2 (Trap function not supported)

Port No. 161

Supported MIBs HOST-RESOURCES-MIB and Citizen-MIB (Private)

Community name public

Connector Connections

Pin No. Signal Function1 TX+ Transmit (positive)

2 TX- Transmit (negative)

3 RX+ Receive (positive)

4 N.C. -

5 N.C. -

6 RX- Receive (negative)

7 N.C. -

8 N.C. -

Compatible connectorsPrinter: RJ-45 connectorLED operationThe following table describes port LED operation.

2 1

1. Network communication speed indicator

Communication speed LED (Green)100 Mbps On

10 Mbps/disconnected Flashes

2. Network status indicator

Status LED (amber)Connecting On

Disconnected Off

Exchanging data Flashes

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (78)

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Serial Interface

Interface Specifications

Transfer method Start-stop synchronization method, full-duplex com-munication

Signal level RS-232C

Baud rates 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, and 115200 bps

Data length 7 bits or 8 bits

Stop bits 1 bits or 2 bits

Parity Even, odd, or none

Interface 9-pin D-SUB

Signal Line/Pin Assignment

Signal code Signal Pin No. FunctionINIT Reset 1 Reset printer signal line

RXD Receive data 2 Signal line used by printer to receive data from exter-nal devices

TXD Transmit data 3 Signal line used by printer to send data to external devices

DTR Data terminal ready 4 Signal line used by printer to notify external devices that printer is ready to communicate

SGND Signal line ground 5 Signal line ground refer-ence

DSR Data set ready 6 Signal line used by external devices to notify printer that they are ready to communicate

RTS Request to send 7 Signal line used by printer to notify external devices that the printer is read to receive data

CTS Clear to send 8 Signal line used by external devices to notify printer that they are ready to receive data

VCC +5 V 9 (Factory use only)

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (79)

79 ——

XON / XOFF Protocol

a Conditions for XON code output

� Communication is possible after the power is turned on.

� Scenario in which the receive buffer has less than 128 bytes available caus-ing output of the XOFF code followed by the receive buffer then having at least 1,024 bytes available.

b Conditions for XOFF code output

� Scenario in which the receive buffer has less than 128 bytes available.



Receive buffer 16k bytes

128 bytes

1024 bytes

DTR Protocol

a Conditions when DTR signal state changes to Ready (High)Scenario in which the receive buffer has at least 128 bytes available.Note that once the receive buffer has less than 1,024 bytes available causing the DTR signal to change to the Busy (Low) state, the DTR signal state remains in the Busy (Low) state until the receive buffer has at least 1,024 bytes available.

b Conditions when DTR signal state changes to Busy (Low)Scenario in which the receive buffer has less than 128 bytes available.

LINE THERMAL PRINTER· Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (80)


October 2017

LINE THERMAL PRINTER · Se quiser deitar fora este produto, não o misture com o lixo comum. De acordo com a legislação que decorre da Directiva REEE – Resíduos de Equipamentos - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Zonia Mosciski DO

Birthday: 1996-05-16

Address: Suite 228 919 Deana Ford, Lake Meridithberg, NE 60017-4257

Phone: +2613987384138

Job: Chief Retail Officer

Hobby: Tai chi, Dowsing, Poi, Letterboxing, Watching movies, Video gaming, Singing

Introduction: My name is Zonia Mosciski DO, I am a enchanting, joyous, lovely, successful, hilarious, tender, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.